Health Insurance Hong Kong Expat: Coverage & Purchasing Tips

Living in Hong Kong as a foreigner will be too challenging if you don’t have health insurance. This type of insurance gives you access to healthcare facilities that provides you with medical treatment during your stay. Therefore, you must have a health insurance Hong Kong expat plan.

You can have this insurance in several ways, for example, through your employer or by purchasing it on your own. If you choose the latter, you should purchase it with consideration so you can get everything covered.

Public Healthcare for Foreigners

Hong Kong is the home of world-class hospitals. Public hospitals in this region offer advanced medical care because they have modern technology and highly-professional doctors.

Therefore, patients are generally happy with the service of these hospitals. However, you must not be surprised if healthcare costs in Hong Kong are almost as expensive as those in the US.

Thankfully, foreigners may get medical treatment from these hospitals for free or at a low cost if they are eligible for public healthcare.

1. Can Foreigners Access Hong Kong Public Healthcare

The government of Hong Kong finances the public healthcare system without contributions from employers or employees. However, it is only available for residents and foreigners with valid Visa and Hong Kong ID cards.

Hong Kong ID card is available for foreigners who stay in Hong Kong for more than 180 days. They can register for this ID Card at the immigration office.

2. Coverage

Public healthcare services include all the essential medical benefits, such as in-patient and out-patient treatment, pregnancy care, and prescription drugs. To get these essential treatments, you only need to show your Hong Kong ID Card.

However, public healthcare in Hong Kong does not cover dental care. This healthcare system only allows you to get free dental care in an emergency. Therefore, you must go to a private healthcare facility to get dental care.

Private Health Insurance Hong Kong Expat: Local Plan

Private health insurance is an excellent alternative for foreigners living in Hong Kong because this insurance offers many benefits. This insurance is available in several plans. One of them is a local plan.

You can purchase local health insurance when you arrived in Hong Kong. To apply for this insurance, you must contact a local health insurance provider. However, some foreigners do not need to do it because they have private expat insurance Hong Kong through their employers.

1. Benefits of Having Private Health Insurance

Having local health insurance will give you several benefits.

  • Private health insurance gives you easier access to healthcare because private hospitals in Hong Kong typically have shorter waiting lists than public hospitals do.
  • This type of insurance offers choices of health insurance plans that are suitable for expats with different medical needs.
  • Local health insurance generally has a network of healthcare providers with bilingual medical professionals. Therefore, foreigners will feel more comfortable communicating with them and receiving medical treatment from them.
  • The coverage of private health insurance includes dental care.

2. Local Health Insurance Plans

Private insurance companies in Hong Kong typically offer health insurance in several-tier plans. The lower tier plan typically covers basic protection only, such as catastrophic illness and inpatient treatments.

Moreover, you will not get any extras or additional coverage from this insurance plan. If this tier plan cannot meet your insurance needs, you can purchase a middle-tier plan. This plan covers better inpatient benefits, private hospital rooms, and maternity benefits.

However, the most comprehensive health insurance Hong Kong expat plan is the upper tier plan. It offers you better protection. Its coverage includes annual medical screening, comprehensive maternity care, comprehensive inpatient care, etc.

3. Expat Health Insurance Cost

Health insurance companies in Hong Kong offer their insurance plans at competitive prices. Therefore, you must shop around to get the most suitable health insurance plan at the most affordable cost.

Your health insurance premiums depend on your pre-existing medical conditions, coverage packages, age, and other factors. On average, foreigners in their 30s pay a monthly premium of $250 to $3,200.

International Health Insurance

Local health insurance is only valid for Hong Kong medical providers. Consequently, it may not be suitable for foreigners who plan to travel back and forth from Hong Kong to their homeland and vice versa.

To meet the health insurance needs of these expats, health insurance companies offer international health insurance plans. This insurance plan allows you to access medical providers in many countries which are within the network of insurance plans.

1. The Benefits of Having an International Health Insurance Plan

Having international health insurance Hong Kong expat plans allows you to get immediate medical treatment in Hong Kong due to the short waiting list of Hong Kong private hospitals. In addition, this insurance plan is transferable to other countries within its scope of service.

Therefore, you can have access to healthcare facilities and medical treatments when you go back to your homeland or travel to other countries. Moreover, international health insurance offers comprehensive coverage for its policyholders.

2. Recommended Insurance Companies to Get International Health Insurance Plan

You can purchase international health insurance plans from global insurance companies. some recommended insurance companies that offer this insurance plan are AXA Global Healthcare, Cigna, and Aetna.

Tips for Purchasing Hong Kong Health Insurance for Foreigners

Purchasing an unsuitable health insurance plan can cause inconveniences when you need medical treatment. Therefore, you must purchase your Hong Kong health insurance with consideration. Below are several tips you can follow when purchasing expat health insurance.

  1. Benefits: It is essential to purchase health insurance that offers all the benefits you need. Therefore, you must pay close attention to the coverage or benefits included in your insurance plans
  2. Costs: To purchase health insurance at an affordable cost, you must compare your insurance quotes first. In addition, you must consider the deductibles and out-of-pocket costs of your insurance.
  3. Claim Processing: You must purchase your health insurance from an insurance company that offers quick claim processing. Therefore, you can save your time and energy when making your claims.
  4. Network: You should remember to consider the health insurance’s network. Having health insurance with a large network of healthcare providers will give you easy access to medical treatment.

Most foreigners in Hong Kong choose to have a private health insurance Hong Kong expat plan. they prefer this insurance because it typically offers more comprehensive coverage. However, those who cannot afford it can opt to get public healthcare.






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