German Health Insurance for International Students: Types & Costs

Germany is the home of many world-class universities. Therefore, it is no surprise that students from other countries want to study in Germany. However, before you start sending applications to German universities, you must learn about German health insurance for international students.

The government of German allows international students to pursue their education in German universities. However, the government obliges these students to have health insurance. You can get this insurance from private insurers or public health insurance if you are eligible for it.

Types of German Health Insurance for International Students

International students in Germany may bring their current health insurance with them to this country if a German statutory health insurance provider recognizes their health insurance. However, they must apply for German health insurance if the statutory health insurance provider does not recognize it.

Foreign students can apply for one of two student health insurance types available in this country. What are they?

1. Public Health Insurance

International students may apply for German public health insurance. However, not all foreign students are eligible for this health insurance scheme.

Then, who is eligible for German public health insurance? Master and bachelor international students who are under 30 years old are eligible for this health insurance scheme.

As an international student in Germany, you can apply for public health insurance from German public health insurers, for example, TK (Techniker Krankenkasse). TK is popular among international students because its service is available in English.

2. Private Health Insurance

Some international students are not eligible for the public health insurance scheme. These students are those aged over 30, scholarship holders without an employment contract, post-graduate speakers, guest scientists, and those who pursue a preparatory or language course.

Private health insurance plans for students can be as good as public health insurance if you have the right student health insurance plan from the best private insurance company. One of the popular student health insurance plans is EDUCARE24 Plan from Dr-Walter.

What Does Student Health Insurance Cover?

German health insurance for international students provides many benefits.

  • Doctor visits
  • Hospital treatments
  • Cancer screening
  • Prescription medication
  • Dental check-ups
  • Particular dental procedures
  • Wheelchairs, hearing aids, and other aids

The benefits above are the basic benefits of both student health insurance types. However, some insurance companies offer additional coverage types, such as additional dental care, contraception coverage, liability coverage, and travel insurance, to meet the needs of policyholders

Therefore, you will get more comprehensive coverage if you purchase a health insurance plan with add-ons. However, the premiums of this insurance plan are higher than basic insurance plans. If you have no idea which plan to buy, you can visit the online consulting tool provided by TK and DR-Walter.

German Public Health Insurance for International Students: Costs and How to Get It

How much is the monthly public health insurance premium for students? And how to get this insurance? To find the answers to those questions, read the explanation below.

1. The Costs of Public Health Insurance for International Students

The costs of public health insurance Germany for international students vary between statutory health insurance providers. Some insurance providers offer this health insurance scheme at a lower price than others.

In 2021, international student health insurance costs between €105.8 and €117.75 per month. below are the average costs of German health insurance for international students.

  • KKH Kaufmännische Krankenkasse charges international students €117.75/month.
  • DAK Gesundheit sells student health insurance at €117.75/month.
  • On average, the cost of Barmer’s student health insurance is €108.77
  • AOK Baden Württemberg offers international student health insurance at €108.77
  • TK Techniker Krankenkasse offers the most affordable health insurance for international students, i.e., €105.8

2. How to Get Public Health Insurance for International Students

You can start the process of getting public health insurance for international students before or after you arrive in Germany. The first step you must do during this process is to contact one of the public health insurance providers or Krankenkasse.

The staff of the Krankenkasse will tell you the procedure for getting this health insurance scheme, the required documents to apply for the scheme, and the pricing. You can also apply for public health insurance via an online tool made by DR-Walter and TK.

The steps for applying for public health insurance online are as follows.

  • Go to the consulting tool at and fill in the form to determine the health insurance type you need.
  • Fill in the application form when the website redirects you to the online application portal.
  • Wait for the response email containing the documents for applications and the steps to proceed with the applications.
  • You will get a student health insurance certificate, TK public health insurance, and a bonus of free travel insurance for a month at the end of the application process.

German Private Health Insurance for International Students: Costs and How to Get It

The costs of private student health insurance are more affordable than the public health insurance costs. In addition, the steps of getting private student health insurance are different than those of public health insurance.

1. The Costs of Private Health Insurance for International Students

German private health insurance cost for students varies depending on the insurance packages and the age of the students. Students in their 30s pay lower monthly insurance costs than students in their 40s.

For example, the lowest rate of EDUCARE24 Plan for students in their 30s is €33/month for the first 18 months, while the highest is €59/month for the first 18 months. After that, students must pay €50 to €85 per month.

On the other hand, students aged 40 to 69 must pay between €54 and €83 per month in the first 18 months. After the 18th month is over, the monthly premium is between €110 and €130.

2. How to Get Private Health Insurance

Many private insurance providers offer health insurance plans for international students. Among the insurance plans they offer, EDUCARE24 is the most recommended one.

You can purchase EDUCARE24 from DR-WALTER via the online application portal. After filling in the application form, you must submit the documents. Next, you will receive your student health insurance certificate.

German health insurance for international students is available in two types, i.e., public health insurance and private health insurance. The former is only for younger students, i.e., under 30 years old. However, the latter is for older students, i.e., older than 30 years old.






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