Purchasing a life insurance policy from a well-established company is a must. Your dependents may not get the benefits when you pass away if you get this insurance from the wrong company. To avoid it, you can purchase this insurance from FWD Life Insurance Company Bermuda Limited.
This company is one of the most trusted life insurance companies in Asia. In addition, its life insurance products are available in many countries.
About FWD Life Insurance Company Bermuda Limited
FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Ltd. is part of the FWD Group. This company has been in the insurance business since 2013. Some people may think that 10 years of experience does not make a life insurance business a well-established company.
However, FWD Life Insurance Company has proved to be a well-established insurer in only 10 years. Moreover, FWD also become one of the most-trusted life insurers in Asia.
Below are several facts about FWD Life Insurance Company Bermuda Limited.
1. Award and Rating
FWD Life Insurance Company has a rapid growth rate. In only 10 years, this company can attract over 10 million members across Asia. Therefore, it is no wonder that FWD Life Insurance Company has received many awards.
This insurer is a top 3 life insurance company in Hong Kong by new business first-year premium. Moreover, this life insurance company is the number 1 life insurer in Macau by premium growth income.
In addition, FWD Life Insurance Company gets A ratings continuously from 2014 to 2022. This rating shows that this life insurance company has excellent financial strength. Consequently, you can rest assured that FWD can deliver FWD life insurance benefits.
2. Product Availability
FWD Life Insurance Company has many choices of life products. They are available in 10 countries, for example, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, and many Southeast Asian countries, including Singapore.
This company has numerous offices, affiliates, and member companies in many Asian countries. Currently, FWD employs over 6,000 employees worldwide.
3. Company Commitment
FWD has a strong commitment to changing how people feel about life insurance. To reach this goal, this life insurance company applies a customer-led approach supported by the latest technology.
FWD Life Insurance Company is also concentrating to make clients insurance journey smoother, faster, and simpler. Therefore, you can get better customer satisfaction from this company.
Life Insurance Products from FWD Insurance Company
FWD Life Insurance Company Bermuda Limited offers various life insurance plans. Therefore, you can choose one that is most suitable for your needs. Below are several life insurance products from FWD.
1. Glorious Fortune Longevity
This life insurance has a saving element. It helps you build a strong financial foundation in the future. Therefore, your loved ones will be able to get better achievements in the future. Glorious Fortune Longevity also helps your family face unexpected events.
By having this insurance, these unexpected events will not affect your financial condition in a bad way. One of the best features of this insurance is guaranteed death benefit before the 20th anniversary of your FWD life insurance policy.
During this period, you will get 100% of the sum you insured or the total premium paid. However, after that period, the benefit decreases gradually. The minimum sum insured is $500,000 with a benefit term of the whole life of the policyholder.
Glorious Fortune Longevity is available in three plans, i.e., single premium, 5 years pay, and 10 years pay. Glorious Fortune Longevity Single Premium is eligible for people aged 1 to 75. However, the last two plans are only eligible for people aged 1-70.
2. Glorious Fortune Wealth
Glorious Fortune Wealth offers a death benefit with the potential of wealth accumulation. This insurance also provides you with an option to secure cash flows for your retirement years.
This life insurance product has some similar features to Glorious Fortune Longevity. You can see their similarities in the minimum sum insured, benefit term, and guaranteed death benefit.
In addition, Glorious Fortune Wealth also offers three plans. They are Glorious Fortune Wealth 10 years pay, 5 years pay, and single premium. The first two plans are eligible for people aged 19 to 70. However, the last plan is for people aged 19 to 75.
3. Glorious Fortune II (Single Premium)
Glorious Fortune II (Single Premium) also has a saving element. This insurance offers a guaranteed 100% sum insured before the platinum anniversary of the policy. After that, the benefit changes its focus to wealth build-up for legacy planning.
This life insurance allows you to personalize the legacy plan. You can choose to distribute the death benefit as a regular installment, a lump sum payment, or a combination of a lump sum payment and a regular installment.
Glorious Fortune II is eligible for you who are 19 to 75 years old. Moreover, the minimum sum insured is $500,000, which you must pay in a single premium.
4. Regal Fortune
Regal Fortune has several attractive features. One of them is long-term protection. The term of the protection is until the policyholder is 105 years old. In addition, this insurance plan offers a guaranteed death benefit which amount can reach 150% of the sum insured.
FWD insurance company will increase the death benefit by 5% each year after the policyholder has his 80th birthday. Moreover, the policyholder can plan the distribution of this benefit in several ways.
5. Basic Plus II Junior
Basic Plus II Junior is another unique life insurance from FWD. This company designs this insurance plan in such a way that it can help you prepare for your kid’s financial needs. In addition, it also offers a death benefit and saving element.
If you purchase this insurance for your kids, you can withdraw parts of the sum insured or wealth accumulation to meet your kids’ needs, for example paying their education fee.
Basic Plus II Junior is available in many choices of plans. Some of them offer level death benefits, but others offer increasing death benefits. This insurance product is available for children aged 1 to 17. Moreover, the minimum sum insured is $37,500.
FWD Life Insurance Company Bermuda Limited is a fast-growing insurance company with excellent financial strength. This insurance has over 10 million policyholders across Asia. In addition, it has many attractive life insurance products e.g., Regal Fortune and Glorious Fortune Longevity.
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