Health Insurance in Mexico for Expats, Things You Should Know

Health Insurance in Mexico for Expats, Things You Should Know

Adapting to a new country is not an easy job especially if you have health problems. Everyone has the right to get maximum health insurance and treatment facilities, wherever they are. Countries like Mexico, provide complete health facilities. However, the question is how is the system of health insurance in Mexico for expats?

How is the Health Insurance System in Mexico for Expats?

In every country like the United States, it provides various guarantees and health facilities for all its citizens. However, if you move to Mexico, it might be different.

As a foreigner, your status is different from that of a native citizen, so you may have different health insurance. Mexico as a developed country that is known for its high-standardised facilities, of course, provides the best health insurance in Mexico for expats. 

But the high demand for health facilities in Mexico has made many foreigners run out of health insurance quota. Why so? Keep reading to find the answer. 

Public Health Insurance in Mexico for Expats

If you are not a native of Mexico, then there are many important things that you need to pay attention to so you can get good health insurance there. Especially if you plan to stay for quite a long time there. The following are public health service programs in Mexico.


INSABI is one of the health programs provided by the Mexican government for the public. This program is in the form of health care subsidies for Mexican citizens who are unemployed or not working. 

The Institute de Salud para el Bienestar or INSABI exists as a form of government concern for the health services of native Mexicans. So this program cannot be used for ex-pats.


IMSS or Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social is Mexican social security for employees or workers in Mexico, including if they are foreigners. So both natives and foreigners, as long as you work in Mexico, you can get this IMSS program.

You can choose health insurance in Mexico for expats if you have a work visa there. This insurance usually includes inpatient services, medical care, surgery, and medication. 

For workers who are sick, or have an accident causing them to be unable to work, IMSS provides social security. It is a partial payment of their wages for the first 52 weeks.


ISSSTE is one of the public health programs that can be accessed by all civil servants who work as self-employed and factory workers. This social security and social service institution also applies to expatriates who have FM3 or FM2 visas.

Some of these government agencies provide programs for health protection, medical care and facilities, and social protection. The interesting thing is that this program is available not only for the resident concerned, but also for family members, spouses, and children living in Mexico with them.

The Mexican government provides comprehensive public services for the welfare of all native and foreign citizens living in Mexico.

How Much Does it Cost for Public Health Insurance?

For those who are workers with minimum wages, there is no fee at all. Civilians in Mexico can get decent health insurance, for free. This program is a subsidy from the Mexican government that cares about equitable welfare.

On the other hand, for those workers who have wages above the minimum wage, a monthly insurance fee will be charged. The fee for health insurance is usually around 10% of each employee’s salary. This also applies to health insurance in Mexico for expats.

Private Health Insurance in Mexico for Expats

Not only guarantees health services for the public, but you can also find other private health insurance in Mexico. This is important if you are a foreigner.

Several factors often make it difficult for expatriates to access public health insurance, due to the high demand for the same health services. Thus, some people prefer to get private health insurance which they feel is more reassuring because there is no need to fight over insurance quotas anymore.

You may be more comfortable if you have a private facility to get complete medical care. But, you need to pay extra fee for it.

The cost of private health insurance in Mexico, at least you need to pay 60 to €120 for a specialist doctor’s visit. Health checks cost €500, and as much as €800 for an MRI. For more intensive treatment such as appendectomy, you need to pay €5000. 

These costs are indeed very expensive, but you can get maximum health services. Several companies of health insurance in Mexico for expats also offer programs, which you can adjust to your needs and budget.

Cigna is private health insurance that you can access if you want to get exclusive health insurance. It will be easier for you to get support for cancer, dental, childcare, and aged care. Furthermore, you can choose an affordable program like $19 per month, or a premium one.

International Program of Health Insurance for Expatriate

Both local and private health coverage may not always be ideal because it has its pros and cons. This is of more concern to the Mexican government to build a special program of health insurance in Mexico for Expats.

1. Additional Social Security

In some cases, you may have received health services paid for by the state. But sometimes, that’s not enough, so this program helps you to get additional social security from third-party companies. For that, you need to pay for an additional policy, on a third party.

This program is perfect option in order to reduce the costs you incur as if you used private insurance as a whole. However, the cons of this program is that each person can contact a different company each time.

2. Personal Guarantee for Expatriates

This policy is a ‘first dollar’ program that will allow expatriates to have their first contract with a flexible third party. This means you may be able to choose and switch to a higher level of healthcare on your first contract, at an affordable cost. 

In addition, the company that becomes the third party must always be the same, and cannot be replaced.

Work in Mexico Without Worried About Your Health

As long as you register to work in Mexico, usually, the owner of the company that employs you will automatically register you with IMSS. So you will get proper health insurance. But, if you feel you need more personal health coverage, then you go for private health insurance in Mexico for expats.


