The Services in Qatar General Insurance and Reinsurance Company

The leading insurance company in Qatar is Qatar General Insurance and Reinsurance Company QPSC. In the region, this company has provided the best plan for individuals, families, and commercial businesses. Thus, the company has many services to ensure members have the best protection.  

So far, this company is one of the trusted, and the members are satisfied with the services they offer. They put the services into two categories, individuals and commercials to ease the members’ plan for their future. Here are the services they provide for the members who live in Qatar.  

Individual Services in Qatar General Insurance and Reinsurance  

1. Private motor insurance  

Private motor insurance is the insurance for individuals who need a solution when their vehicles get troubled. The premiums in this insurance are competitive, and the period to claim the insurance is very short. They offer online solutions that you can take advantage of during busy days.  

The coverage that this company offers includes roadside assistance 24/7, a replacement for the car in three days during the repair, personal accident benefits for the drivers and passengers, and also repair of the vehicles. The eligibility is only a card registration card, vehicle photos, and Qatar ID.  

2. Home Insurance  

In Qatar, you need to protect your house in case of a threat or danger. It is vital to minimize the budget when you need to repair your house. This company offers some coverage because of floods, fires, earthquakes, burglary, storms, and lightning.  

There are several plans they offer that will fit your need and budget. This insurance is popular nowadays since the budget to repair a house in Qatar is expensive. You only need a Qatar ID, a title deed, and a list of household goods.  

3. Accident Insurance  

Nobody can expect an accident, so it is important to have accident insurance. Qatar General Insurance and Reinsurance company has this offer to provide well-being, from physical, emotional, and financial stability.  

In the policy they offer, there is financial protection if the accident results in the loss of life. If the participant suffers from permanent and partial disablement, the insurance will give financial benefits to them. The coverages also consist of medicines, medical treatment, and hospitalization.  

4. Medical Insurance  

Medical insurance in Qatar is required to protect individuals and families. This is the program to protect the whole family, so they can focus on their activities. They provide online billing where the participants don’t need the alarm when it is the deadline for payment.  

The service that this company offers is quick. You can claim the insurance even though it is an emergency via an online claim. The call center from the insurance company will help you to make proper documents to reimburse. The company also has a large network for medical treatment.  

5. Travel Insurance  

Having travel insurance is beneficial to protect yourself from accidents, emergency cases, flight delays, or fraud. Whether you travel for business or an individual, the insurance will give you some plans to choose from. You have to give the passport copy, arrival, and departure dates only. 

Commercials Services in Qatar General Insurance and Reinsurance 

1. Property Insurance 

The uncertainty and risks are always following the property. Since it is inevitable, it is crucial to have property insurance. It is the step to ensure that you won’t have a great loss because you can reimburse the insurance after the damage. 

The property insurance includes fire and allied perils. The coverage that this company can provide is large where you can protect the property and all the assets in it. The property can be owned by a company or individuals, yet it is not housing. 

2. Engineering Insurance 

There are many unforeseen cases related to the engineering sector. Qatar General Insurance and Reinsurance will help you to protect this business sector with many coverages. Their service covers the erection of all risks, contractors all risks, machinery breakdown, electronic equipment, and stock deterioration. 

In this insurance, several buildings are included in the coverage such as hospitals, schools, universities, commercials, and residentials. Public infrastructures such as subtraction, bridges, roads, and tunnels are also included. 

3. Energy Insurance 

Offshore and onshore activities are part of the energy industry that needs protection from the downstream, midstream, and upstream. The operations of this sector are also high risks. Damage, expense, interruption, and loss are inevitable. Thus, energy insurance is important to own. 

GRIR provides coverages such as physical loss and damage in the energy assets. When there is offshore war, the company may cover it though it still depends on the location of the offshore. The risk because of terrorism and sabotage can be covered since it is part of general liability. 

4. Marine and Aviation Insurance 

Since 1979, this insurance company has protected businesses in the marine. The coverage is large with many networks, especially in the cargo shipping businesses. The marine sector is a high-risk business, especially in storage. The services include marine cargo and marine hull. 

5. Corporate Motor Insurance 

Does your corporation have a motor? Since it is not an individual motor, it needs corporate motor insurance. It is a different package since the drivers are different, and so is the benefit. This insurance is such a big help to maintain efficiency. 

By choosing the premium of motor insurance QGIR, you can pay very competitive premiums in the market. The process of claim is short that won’t be an issue when you need to reimburse it fast. The service is online, so you do not need to come to the office to reimburse. 

6. Group Medical Insurance 

Medical insurance for corporate is different from the individual plan. The company provides this service to ensure that the employee’s rights in medical are fulfilled. The coverage in this plan includes maternity, medical assistance, dental treatments, and surgical services. 

Qatar General Insurance and Reinsurance Company has been established for more than five decades. It is a reputable insurance company in Qatar that provides many services for individuals and commercials. The process is fast, and it has good reviews from the participants.






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